
Fourlimb Team

Susannah Menzies BA (Journalism)
Events Management

As Sebastian’s wife and mother to their three teenagers, Susannah splits her time between work in the business and family tasks.

With a Journalism degree and previous employment in marketing, Susannah helps organise workshops, trade shows and events. She also manages Fourlimb’s social media and is involved with the business’ other marketing initiatives. She brings to the business several years' experience in event organisation and enjoys her involvement in trade shows and workshops and the opportunity to meet the vets and nurses we deal with.

She has a beady eye for grammar and challenges anyone to spot spelling errors or typos in any published Fourlimb material!

Outside of work she enjoys fitness classes, reading and strapping Taco the chihuahua into his bike basket for a ride.

She is also the office eco-warrior and is always on the lookout for more sustainable practices within the business.


Surgery Wet Labs

Join us in Melbourne this July for ligament & tendon and interlocking nail surgery workshops