Hip Luxation Stabilisation with Novalig®

Author: Novetech Surgery   Date Posted:21 December 2022 


Hip Luxation stabilisation with Novalig®


  • Novalig is a nonabrasive ligament reducing the risks of wearing of the bone at the interface between the ligament and the bone.
  • It does not rely on knots.
  • A two tunnel technique with interference fixation allows for a strong and immediate fixation.


Toggle rod stabilisation provides immediate strong fixation without the need for supplementary support (such as a ehmer sling) which is an especially important consideration in multi trauma patients


Data published

Toggle rod stabilisation provides immediate strong fixation without the need for supplementary support (such as a ehmer sling) which is an especially important consideration in multi trauma patients
Toggle rod stabilisation is the most reliable technique to reduce and stabilise a traumatic hip luxation with up to a 100% good to excellent outcome*.
This technique has the lowest re-luxation rate reported from 0 to 24% with 5.8%* and 14,8% ** with the most recent studies.

There is no limitation in body condition score so it can fit your heaviest patients**.

Re-luxation rate does not seem to be affected by the duration of the luxation** and the technique was successfully used in luxation of up to 40 days of duration*

If well selected, it can be used in patients with minor signs of dysplasia.

If minor to no trauma is responsible for the hip luxation, be aware that the risk of re-luxation after toggle rod stabilisation is 10 times higher**.

* Kieves NR, Lotsikas PJ, Schulz KS, Canapp SO. Hip toggle stabilisation using the TightRope system in 17 dogs: technique and long-term outcome. Vet Surg. 2014;43(5):515-522.
** Mathews ME, Barnhart MD. Risk factors for re-luxation after toggle rod stabilisation for treatment of coxofemoral luxation in 128 dogs. Veterinary Surgery. 2021;50:142–149.



What you will need


Aiming Guide 


Novalig® Platine
& interference screw

Cannulated Ratchet Screwdriver







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